Bodrum city (Halikarnassos; Halicarnassus)
According to Herodotus, the indigenous of Bodrum, the city was founded by Dor colonists. But, The principal people of the region were Lelegs and Carians. After the middle of the 6th century Halicarnassus exposed to Persian invasion. According to historian Pillinius, The mausoleum which was built on behalf of King Maussollos by his wife Artemis in BC 353, is described as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Sculptures of Mausollos and his wife Artemisia are in the British Museum, with reliefs unearthed in excavations carried out by Lord Stratford in 1846 and Newton in 1857. On the other hand, a unique Turkish maritime museum exhibiting ancient artifacts is found in the castle of Bodrum city.
St. Peter Castle
Rising from the azure waters of the harbor, The Castle epitomizes a typical medival fortress’ squat austerity. It was built over the ruins of ancient acropolis by the Knights of St.John during the 15th and 16th centuries CE.The castle towers,built by the knights of different nations,have been unimaginatively dubbed the English, German, French, and Italian Towers. Looming nearby are the stubby yet handsome Harbour Tower. In 1409, Papacy issued an order declaring that all the people who would participate in the castle construction would be forgiven by their sins. It is still a host to visitors.